Annie and Shane Brereton – Our very own Bayside Salvage Merchants

Over the summer of 2017, Annie and Shane travelled along our beautiful Australian coastline. They both were ready for something new, but what? With a goal to work together and build a business for their family, Salvage Merchants was born!

The trip Shane and Annie took was abundant with nature, gorgeous scenery, beautiful camping spots and simple living. It ignited in them a desire to live more gently, creatively and purposefully.

Annie says ‘Our business proposition is built around Rescue, Re-purpose & Reuse. Many of us place very little value on many of the things we purchase and therefore when it is no longer needed, or broken, we simply discard it. We decided we could no longer live like this, and wanted to make a meaningful change in our own lives and also have an impact beyond our family. Salvage Merchants has made us much more aware of the impact of our actions on our world and that we are taking steps, albeit small, to modify our footprint.’

Shane and Annie aim to bring you items that are beautiful, practical and unique. They are all lovingly made, steeped in history and reborn to live at least another lifetime. Find them in Advantage rd, Highett, and more at –